(TLH) Chapter 2
Mira shocked herself into immediate
panic. The Something that pulled her inside was a hand. A gigantic hand,
pulling her by the collar. The gigantic hand made signs. It pulled her away
from the liquid portal as it vanished into white particles, concealing her way
back into the real world. Mira observed everything around her while the hand is
trying to tell her something. Or communicate. The world her around her becomes
something unusual. The place she was in seems to be a massive factory, full of numerous
cogs and gears, rust and rodents overwhelming the place. The smoke. The vapor
of industrial particles, floating through the air around her. Each gear working
out its job, assembled into some purpose. The copper-like hue around her. It vibrated
and accompanied with the sounds of the complex machinery running its generators.
Pumping out steam and metallic odor. The land she stood on wasn’t land. It was
rather a metal grate bridge, connecting itself to a doorway. It is closed with
a vault-type hatch.
hand. It looked to be pointing it’s large index finger at the door. And made incomprehensible
signs afterwards. The hand appears to be walking on its two fingers as if the
index finger was the left and the middle as the right. Mira walked along with
the hand, realizing that she could never go back.
hand brought Mira in front of the vault hatch and pressed the buttons on the panel
aside. The door opened, releasing gases and sounds out, dramatically revealing
the long corridor within. They both continued walking along the corridor. There
were many ways they could go through. Left and right, front and back, all same
to the eyes of Mira. She was confused. Then she asked the hand. It stayed
silent. She restated. It stayed immobile. Then she continued walking without hints
or even the notice if the only thing that could show her the way. The corridor
was textured with bronze tones, tubes and pipes ranging down the sides, locks,
vents, gears and plentiful of screws and nails hammered randomly on the face of
the corridor walls. The corridor frequently released small clumps of unknown
gas each time they met a dead end.
continued wandering about the unravelling paths of the metallic labyrinth. She
stepped and turned and retreated countless times. The hand just walked with. It
doesn’t make any signs or points anymore. It just stood there.
While Mira tried her best to reach the final destination, it
seems that she is getting closer to something. The final exit of this inescapable
hell. She solved it. She noted that the pattern of the pipes would brought her
somewhere. Until then, she did it. She achieved her goal in this undesirable realm.
In front of her was an enormous biosphere. Within it looks to be a castle, whitened
with silvery platinum. The walls were white concrete and the outside overgrown
with perplexing flora.
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